Fashion Photography and Video can be done at the studio or on location.

The world of Fashion Photography is the most exciting and challenging branch of Commercial Photography. A photographer must remember their F stops and shutter speeds and deal with a whole new kaleidoscope of variables. First is a nervous client who is posting their line of clothing for this season. The success of this shoot will determine whether or not they make it to the next season. The stakes are very high and expensive.

Next is the models. The arrive on time and full of energy. The are often playful and joking around while they get to meet everyone and get the mood of the shoot so they can adapt. Some models have attended professional modeling schools and have been coached in the ways of modeling. Some have launched themselves from a career other than modeling. They can bring in an array of slick poses and beautiful smiles which sometimes rivals the schooled ones.

Finally, the photographer introduces the client and models and tries to simplify the challenging task of matching the models to the clothing. While they go over the countless combinations of outfits the photographer does a last minute equipment check and after a few prayers gets a satisfying POP from the lighting system. A quick check of the card reader shows images brilliantly displayed on the computer monitors. A few more checks reveal shadow to highlight ratios to be pleasing giving enough kick to illustrate the bumps and curves of the talent and their wardrobe but not so as to magnify every wrinkle and seam. Another chat with the client discusses how many shots there are to be done and how much time is budgeted. Next, the time of each shot is allotted is 2 minutes each and it’s time to rock and roll.

Videos can be of many items and themes or separate products to demonstrate their unique characteristics.
Add your videos to web pages, YouTube & Instagram promotions and trade-shows.
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